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Exhibition Hall Renovation

From September 8 to 11, 2016, the 22th China International Furniture Fair took place in Shanghai. The renowned design brand HC28 made its debut on a vast and elegant platform of 500sqm, to officially launch its new collections. These include the PIANPIAN by the internationally acclaimed design master Steve Leung; the BOLD and the FOND by the rising talent Frank Chou; the TALISMAN byP&P Studio from France; and the “Wind Water Cloud Earth Air” tea house design by the Japanese modern design master Masayuki Kurokawa. These design masters and rising stars all make use of multiple independent elements as their design concepts, to create passionate and innovative works that stand the testof time.

Bold Series Displayed in Shanghai Exhibition Room

Designer Wall in Shanghai Exhibition Room

Designer Walls in Shanghai Exhibition Room

PianPian Series Displayed in Shanghai Exhibition Room

Bedroom Collections in Exhibition Room

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